As an early adopter of sustainable design, I have contributed my drawing and facilitation talents to many Eco-Charrettes throughout Western Canada working through the University of British Columbia’s Design Centre for Sustainability.

At UBC’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture I have lectured as an adjunct professor and has served as a guest critic for their Design studios. I also created and led a sustainable design charrette for 70 high school students in Vancouver called 2020 Vision. 

With the 5D Institute at USC, I created and delivered a workshop for 50 children from LA  (the Future of Fiction) that envisioned an alternate sustainable future for Los Angeles.  I am slated to deliver a second such workshop in LA in the Fall of 2014. Read more about the 5D Institute and World Building  or about me and World Building.  Read about the workshop in this article in The New Yorker.